Tracking beneficiaries and services delivered

Harry Carr
Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2013
Evaluation-related, Impact assessment, System-wide performance


The people that a development/relief agency reaches and the services it delivers to those beneficiaries are essential measures of its agency-wide coverage. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is developing Beneficiary and Service Delivery Indicators (BSDI) for this purpose. For all CRS projects, beneficiary registration data (unique beneficiary identifier, gender and age) and service delivery data (type, date and GPS location of service delivery) will each be linked through CRS project number. Beneficiary data will reside in an agency-wide database that includes project financial data that will be analyzable with BSDI performance data. BSDI is based on a categorization of services within each of CRS’ established program areas and definitions for the direct and indirect beneficiaries of each service category – the CRS Catalogue of CRS Services.