ALNAP Innovations Case Study No. 3 - LMMS

Publication language
Date published
01 Nov 2009
Research, reports and studies
Development & humanitarian aid, Food and nutrition, Innovation

World Vision and our Information Technology (IT) partners have developed innovative software for use on robust mobile computers to meet an unmet need in humanitarian applications.
This Last Mile Mobile Solutions initiative is applied to field- based data collection, management and analysis processes in an effort to eliminate duplication, streamline business variations, and remove complexity. Results from the food- programming domain verified substantial benefits including a reduction in the time to generate key reports by 60% and a reduction in beneficiary pre-processing and verification times at aid distributions by approximately 75% (Carr, 2008).

These positive outcomes have led to overwhelming support from within World Vision and our partners for the expansion of these innovations. As such, LMMS is now at the start of a 60-month expansion drive across all World Vision food-programming activities. This case study describes the innovation process and demonstrates how technology and effective partnering with the private sector can foster opportunities for significant social innovation.


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