Evaluation of the Peace and Stabilisation Fund

Publication language
Date published
01 May 2022
Conflict, violence & peace, Funding and donors, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger

The Evaluation of the Peace and Stabilisation Fund (PSF) encompasses the period 2014-2020, covering the full portfolio of programmes and engagements during the period. Since PSF was established in 2010, a diverse range of peace and stabilisation programmes have been implemented in some of the world’s hotspots – from Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, and the Middle East, to the Sahel region and Eastern Europe. Over the past decade, financial resources for stabilisation programmes funded under the framework of the PSF have increased from DKK 155 million in 2010 to approximately DKK 500 million in 2020. The evaluation asked four main questions (EQs): 

  1. What have been the achievements both through results “on the ground” and in terms of Danish policies and inter-ministerial collaboration?
  2. Use of the PSF in a sufficiently strategic manner, i.e., in terms of relevance of PSF funded programmes in relation to the given contexts; relevance to and alignment with Danish policies and priorities; coherence with and added value in comparison to other Danish and international efforts?
  3. To what extent have programmes been designed, implemented, and monitored in a conducive manner to ensure effective interventions with maximum impact? 4) Have the arrangements for PSF governance and management been appropriate and adequate to facilitate the optimal and strategic use of the PSF, stronger inter-ministerial collaboration, appropriate leadership and guidance in implementation, knowledge exchange and learning?

This evaluation report is based on a portfolio analysis and three case studies: in (i) the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), (ii) Syria and Iraq; and (iii) the Sahel (Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger), and a light touch desk analysis in the Gulf of Guinea and Ukraine; and benchmark analysis of the UK’s Conflict Stabilisation and Security Fund (CSSF).

Overall, the evaluations finds that the PSF has been a relevant instrument for Denmark’s engagement in fragile and conflict affected contexts, both at policy and programme level, in the period covered by the evaluation. The programmes have provided openings to engage together with partners in protracted crisis situations, and seek to stabilise conflict situations, address root causes and conflict drivers whilst supporting peace efforts. Such engagement signals Denmark’s values towards democracy, peacebuilding, support security and the rights of conflict affected populations even when overall contexts have deteriorated.