World Humanitarian Summit - The Grand Bargain: A Shared Commitment to Better Serve People in Need

Publication language
Date published
23 May 2016
World Humanitarian Summit
Conference, training & meeting documents
Development & humanitarian aid, System-wide performance
World Humanitarian Summit

We live in a world where conflicts, natural disasters and disease are driving ever greater numbers of people to seek desperate remedies for their hunger, safety and survival. The world has never been so wealthy and yet on the frontline of humanitarian action, where courageous work is taking place daily, the lack of available resources to save lives is a constantly growing risk. This massive, deepening deficit requires an ambitious, global and collective response.

The Grand Bargain is about harnessing the vast experience and expertise from across the humanitarian ecosystem and bringing it into a realignment which is better prepared for tackling the emergency needs of more than 125 million people, fully recognising the diverse needs defined by their age, gender and abilities.