Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (VCA) Report - Dzivaresekwa and Hatcliffe, Harare North District, Urban DRR

Publication language
Date published
30 Nov 2013
Research, reports and studies
Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Disaster risk reduction, Urban design/planning

The Zimbabwe Red Cross Society (ZRCS) with support from the IFRC and Partner national societies undertook an Urban Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (VCA) between November 25 and 3 December 2013 with the aim of embarking on an Urban Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) programme to tackle urban vulnerability while at the same time strengthening resilience in two urban communities of Harare North district. The broader objectives of the project include enhancing capacity of Zimbabwe Red Cross to deliver, coordinate and advocate for disaster risk management, while at the same time, building stronger communities (knowledgeable, organized and prepared, connected, protected), resilient to impacts of potential disasters.