Voices from the Ground: Impact of COVID-19 on Violence Against Women

UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
Publication language
Date published
06 Oct 2020
Research, reports and studies
Local capacity, Children & youth, Conflict, violence & peace, COVID-19, Epidemics & pandemics, Gender, NGOs
UN Women

As part of its initial response to the COVID-19 crisis, the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UNTF EVAW) surveyed its grantees to assess the impact of the pandemic and associated lockdowns.

The replies confirmed the rapid rise in violence against women and girls and the challenges faced by struggling, often civil society led, support systems. They also revealed how quickly and nimbly grantees are adapting to maintain key aspects of their projects while protecting the safety of beneficiaries and staff. An analysis of 122 grantees’ replies from 69 countries and territories, has identified some commonalties in the current experiences of women’s and civil society organizations on the front line of the COVID-19 response.

The global response to the unprecedented challenges posed by COVID-19 needs to be immediate, appropriate, effective and ethical to ensure that women’s and civil society organizations can sustain their vital role on the front line of the response.

UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women