UNHCR Iraq Country Portfolio Evaluation

Publication language
Date published
01 Aug 2020
Impact evaluation
Assessment & Analysis, Forced displacement and migration, Government, System-wide performance

This evaluation covers UNHCR country operations in Iraq between 2018 and 2019, in the post-conflict transition period. The purpose of the evaluation is to examine results achieved in the areas of protection, inclusion and durable solutions, and to look at UNHCR Iraq’s strategic positioning during this period. The overall goals are learning and accountability, to support and inform UNHCR Iraq’s ongoing efforts in transitioning from emergency programming to interventions aimed more specifically at durable solutions. Where relevant, the evaluation seeks to highlight the main features in the operational environment that either constrain or enable efforts in the transitional period. The evaluation covers the three largest (in terms of numbers) persons of concern (PoC) groups served by the operation, i.e. refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees, in both federal Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).