UNF-WHO COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund (SRF) Joint Evaluation (2021)

Publication language
Date published
16 Dec 2021
Thematic evaluation
COVID-19, Evaluation-related

The overall objective of the evaluation is to assess the architecture, functioning and results of the SRF; examining the SRF’s setup, management and administration and overall functioning in order to assess what has been achieved and how efficiently the SRF has been operating in pursuit of its objectives and to inform the on-going administration of the SRF, as well as WHO’s and UNF’s future fundraising efforts. Overall, the evaluation:

(a) Documents key achievements, best practices, challenges, gaps, and areas for improvement in the set-up and administration of the SRF thus far.

(b) Assesses the key factors responsible for the achievements and gaps observed to date

(c) Makes recommendations as appropriate on the way forward in relation to the SRF, and in relation to the set-up and administration of the WHO Foundation (WHOF).

This evaluation covers the SRF timeframe from the initial inception of the SRF in March 2020 through to the end of June 20211. This has allowed for the evaluation to be as up to date as possible, enhancing its potential utility.