Understanding the Needs of Syrian and Turkish Adolescents in Gaziantep, Turkey to Support Personal Resilience; Summary of Findings

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2014
Research, reports and studies
Children & youth, Conflict, violence & peace, Forced displacement and migration, Host Communities
Turkey, Syria
Mercy Corps

Building on a similar exercise that Mercy Corps conducted in Jordan and Lebanon earlier this year, our Turkey program conducted a qualitative assessment in Gaziantep in May 2014 to understand the needs and aspirations of Syrian and host community adolescents, and their perceptions of one-another.

We view adolescents and youth as especially vulnerable during times of transition and crisis, when they are at a critical pivot point in their lives - between hope and hopelessness, positive change and negative influence. Recognizing their great potential to shape their lives in a positive way, our programming helps adolescents and youth find the educational, social and emotional support they need to excel and gain the respect and recognition they deserve.