Uncertain Futures: The impact of displacement on Syrian refugee and Iraqi internally displaced youth in Iraq

Ireland, S.
Publication language
Date published
19 Feb 2016
Research, reports and studies
Children & youth, Conflict, violence & peace, Forced displacement and migration, Host Communities
Save the Children

As the conflict in Syria edges towards its sixth year, and the conflict in Iraq continues, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Syrian youths have been forced to flee from their homes and are living in camps or in host communities in Iraq.

Our report reveals that the experience of conflict and displacement has had a devastating impact on these youths. Through discussions with 138 13 – 24-year-old Syrian refugee and Iraqi internally displaced youths living in Iraq, complemented by interviews with their parents, members of non-government organisations (NGOs), United Nations (UN) agencies and the Government of Iraq (GoI) and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), we reveal that:

  • Feelings of hopelessness and persistent discrimination were pervasive among the group, including discrimination experienced at the hands of NGO workers and regional governments.
  • Extended disruption to education, heightened concerns about violence and abuse, and a lack of job opportunities are among the biggest challenges that youths are facing.
  • The majority of youths said they saw no future as internally displaced persons or refugees in Iraq, and many Syrians felt that if there was a future for them it was in Europe, including through facilitation by people smugglers.
  • Some male youths are attracted to the possibility of joining armed groups, not for ideological reasons, but rather in order to receive a salary and provide for their family.