Turkana County drought early warning bulletin for February 2017

Date published
28 Feb 2017
Research, reports and studies
Assessment & Analysis, Drought

Biophysical Indicators

 Low rainfall amount was received in a few parts of the county during second and third week of the month. It was a poor start of the off-season rains.

Pasture and browse condition remained poor in most areas. The condition is below normal.

The state of water is highly inadequate in main water sources in most areas. The situation is below normal.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Livestock migration was above normal, with both unusual pattern and grazing routes (to dry season grazing areas).

The livestock body condition was poor in most areas of the county.

Distances to both grazing-water and householdwater increased.

The Terms of Trade recorded were poor in all the livelihood zones except in the agro pastoral zones (fair). The situation was below normal.

Percentage of children at risk of malnutrition increased although remained below normal.