Tsunami Evaluation Coaltion, Core Management Group Meeting in Geneva, Concept note, 23 February 2005

Publication language
Date published
01 Feb 2005
Research, reports and studies
Coordination, Development & humanitarian aid, Disasters, Evaluation-related, Joint evaluation

 Goals, Purpose and Aims of this Process
The specific purpose of this process is:
To promote a sectorwide approach to evaluations of the response to the
tsunami in order to optimise sectorwide learning
In order to achieve this purpose, the aims can be articulated as follows:
1. To enhance the coordination of evaluation activity through the establishment of an ‘evaluation coalition’
2. To increase the comparability of evaluation reports (by, for example, formulating a set of key evaluation questions at sector or thematic level) and reduce unnecessary duplication of effort
3. To strengthen policy level as well as operational evaluation and learning
4. To increase and strengthen learning opportunities at individual agency and sector-wide level