TorqAid Toolkit: Practical Resource for Development and Humanitarian Practitioners

Piper, C.
Publication language
Date published
01 Nov 2017
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Development & humanitarian aid, Organisational Learning and Change

The TorqAid Toolkit is a really useful, practical and easy-to-use resource for the development/ humanitarian practitioner, volunteer, student, or just individual interested in international development.  It includes details of the following links:

  • The various training options offered by TorqAid, this including the online accredited Disaster Risk Management (DRM) program
  • The DRM diagrammatic framework, around which our consultancy and training is centred
  • A really useful Humanitarian/Development Bibliography and Agency Directory

Some key general articles relating to subjects such as Participatory Project Management (PPM); useful participatory tools; ‘Teach like a Champion’ tips; the Project Design Document (PDD) template and examples; the latest global disaster statistics; and a Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) manual

Some more specific humanitarian situations such as ‘Understanding Syria’, and Tropical Cyclone (TC) Debbie.

The TorqAid toolkit should be read in conjunction with the TorqAid blogs – see, where the topics are Humanitarian Issues, Participatory Project Management (PPM), and Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (CHEs).  Given below are the links to the TorqAid Toolkit; the DRM diagrammatic framework; and the online DRM program .