The UN Response to the Lebanon Crisis: An OCHA Lesson Learning Paper

Kelly, T. and White, C.
Publication language
Date published
05 Dec 2006
After action & learning reviews
Conflict, violence & peace, Coordination, Cluster coordination, Development & humanitarian aid, Shelter and housing, Water, sanitation and hygiene

This report presents overall findings from a review of the OCHA and UN system wide response in Lebanon between July-October 2006. The aim of the lesson learning review was twofold;
• to review the appropriateness and timeliness of the response and understand what worked well and why
• provide a platform to discuss key issues relevant for OCHA, for action and follow up.
Both primary and secondary information have been used and more than 25 key informant interviews were carried out with stakeholders external to OCHA. Though limited in scope the paper covers key areas that OCHA staff felt most relevant to them, including: a) humanitarian response, b) security, c) deployment d) information management, and e) clusters and protection.