The Ties That Bind: Building Social Cohesion in Divided Communities

Publication language
Date published
01 Aug 2017
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Capacity development, Conflict, violence & peace, Peacebuilding
Central African Republic

This guide was born from a need to share CRS’s social cohesion learning from Central African Republic (CAR) from 2013–2015. During this turbulent period, CAR experienced unprecedented violence and brutality between the Seleka (Alliance) and the Anti-Balaka (Anti-Machete) militias. At the invitation of the Muslim and Christian religious leaders, CRS trained more than 1,000 government, civil society, and private sector leaders in social cohesion principles and techniques, and equipped them with tools they could use in their workplaces and communities.CRS also trained a select group of participants in Training of Trainers (TOT) so they could scale up the program and reach many more of their fellow Central Africans.

This guide innovatively combines the 4Ds of Appreciative Inquiry ("Discover, Dream, Design and Deliver") with CRS’ 3Bs peacebuilding methodology ("Binding, Bonding and Bridging"). The result is a powerful approach for use within a people-to-people peacebuilding framework that can help groups, organizations and communities that are either in crisis or facing lesser challenges to introspectively consider disagreements and disputes, find common ground, collaborate for mutual benefit, and envision a harmonious future. Donors, host countries, and implementing partners who want to strengthen vertical and horizontal social cohesion, especially in fragile states, will profit from this guide. The exercises can be used by anyone in nations or communities that are experiencing latent or active violence, or that are emerging from conflict. Each module offers detailed guidance on objectives, timing, steps, tools and notes for the trainer. In the hands of a skilled trainer, it provides a comprehensive instrument with detailed instructions on conducting social cohesion strengthening workshops and training trainers to do the same.