The ICRC's response to internal displacement: strengths, challenges and constraints

Kellenberger, J.
Publication language
Date published
01 Sep 2009
International Review of the Red Cross Volume 91 Number 875
Protection, human rights & security, Forced displacement and migration, Urban

The often highly complex and fluid nature of displacement on the ground makes
coverage of IDPs’ needs a difficult task, and a flexible response is required to fit
different contexts. The ICRC’s humanitarian response is guided by the vulnerability
and the needs of all people affected by armed conflict and violence – including, of
course, IDPs, whose vulnerability is often (but not automatically) exacerbated by their
particular situation. The protection and assistance of IDPs therefore naturally lies at
the heart of the ICRC’s mandate and activities. In identifying and responding to needs,
the ICRC looks at the whole context in which internal displacement occurs, as well as
all the people affected. The aim is to promote self-reliance among vulnerable
communities so as to avoid displacement, or to strengthen their capacity to host IDPs.
Nevertheless, where needed, the ICRC also fills gaps by providing emergency aid in
IDP camps, coordinating with other international organizations in order to optimize