Terms of Reference: Egypt CP 200238 (2013-2017) - Leveraging National Capacity Through Partnerships For Food And Nutrition Security: An Operation Evaluation

Publication language
Date published
01 Sep 2015
Evaluation reports
Capacity development, Food and nutrition, Food security, Nutrition

The terms of reference of the Egypt CP 200238 Operation Evaluation aim to inform stakeholders about the evaluation, clarify expectations and requirements and guide the evaluation team in its work during the various phases of the evaluation. The TOR notably presents the scope, objectives, key issues, stakeholders and users of the evaluation. It also describes the evaluation approach, team composition and organisation. Nutrition is a multi-causal issue and requires the engagement of multiple actors. The evaluation will consider the enabling environment and dynamic context.

The objectives of the Country Programme 200238 were to:

  • Enable national institutions to i) monitor and respond to food-security risks; ii) provide evidence-based analysis to guide food-security policy; and iii) support the reform of food-based safety nets;
  • Enhance access to pre-primary and primary education, and combat child labour through food assistance for selected schools in Upper Egypt;
  • Enable poor communities in Upper Egypt and frontier governorates to adapt to climate change and market fluctuations, and reduce agricultural losses through support for sustainable livelihoods;
  • Strengthen national capacity to prevent chronic malnutrition among vulnerable populations.