Synthesis of Real-time Reviews of Selected Food Aid Programmes in Afghanistan, Colombia and Laos

Kauffmann, D. et al
Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2006
Research, reports and studies
Food and nutrition, Food aid, Food security, Monitoring, Needs assessment
Afghanistan, Colombia, Lao People's Democratic Republic
The overall objective of the synthesis report is to derive lessons from three real-time field
reviews that were conducted by Groupe URD in Afghanistan, Colombia and Lao PDR, and to
make recommendations for WFP regarding the conduct of EFSAs and the linkages between
assessments and decision-making on programmes and projects.
Groupe URD conducted field missions in Afghanistan (July 2005), Colombia (November
2005) and Lao PDR (February 2006). WFP HQ’s comments on a draft report were integrated
before submitting the final document.
The research team encountered a certain number of constraints during this study, in particular
during the field missions, and this inevitably had an impact on the wealth of information
collected. The three case studies are so distinct that it is extremely difficult to draw overall
conclusions about the linkages between assessments and WFP operations.