Strengthening Responses To Child Trafficking And Modern Slavery: A Pilot Project To Support Foster Carers Looking After Albanian And Vietnamese Unaccompanied Children

Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2019
Impact evaluation
Children & youth, Evaluation-related, Forced displacement and migration

The Child Trafficking Protection Fund was designed to provide opportunities to pilot new ways to address vulnerabilities of children to trafficking and modern slavery in the United Kingdom and beyond. With its international footprint and local capacity-building experience, IOM proposed to reduce this vulnerability by raising awareness and knowledge about trafficking and risks for particular nationalities amongst foster carers, while increasing unaccompanied children’s understanding of foster care. The need for training was one of the key recommendations of the ECPAT UK and Missing People report, Heading Back to Harm6 which revealed an alarmingly high number of both unaccompanied asylumseeking children and children who may have been trafficked going missing from care, and at risk of further exploitation.