Strengthening Inclusion and Collaboration in Disaster Risk Reduction: Views from the Frontline 2019 in Indonesia

Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2019
Research, reports and studies
Accountability and Participation, Community-led, Disaster risk reduction
YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU)

Views from the frontline (VFL) 2019 is the largest independent global review of Disaster Risk reduction at the local level, which was initiated by the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster 1 Reduction (GNDR) . It aims to strengthen the inclusion and collaboration between at-risk people, civil society and government in the design and implementation of policies and practices to reduce risks and strengthen resilience.

One of the keys to building community resilience to disasters is by supporting tangible disaster risk reduction actions at the community level. For this reason, it is important to understand disaster risk from the local perspective. In VFL 2019, data was collected under 3 themes, namely (1) risk profile, (2) inclusive risk governance, and (3) enabling environment. The risk profile identifies priority threats, consequences, actions and barriers from the perspective of the community, government, civil society organizations in the local area. Participatory and inclusive risk mapping is important to ensure a sense of community ownership of this study. VFL captures local realities by collaborating with local actors who have worked in the local community and directly reaches out to the community and stakeholders in the area through interviews and observations so that they can understand the community's perspective better. Community perceptions of priority risks, actions, and barriers may differ from those of the government and experts. VFL also evaluates risk governance and the enabling environment that can promote community resilience and disaster management.