STAIT Webinar Humanitarian Country Teams & Inter Cluster Coordination linkages

Publication language
Date published
26 Feb 2015
Audio-visual material
Coordination, Cluster coordination, Multi-sector/cross-sector

Humanitarian Country Teams and Inter-Cluster Coordination: can we make it work?
HCT & ICC - strategic direction or just another layer of bureaucracy? Is coordination between the HCT and ICC important? How does it affect humanitarian response? How can the effectiveness of HCT and ICC collaboration be improved and whose job is it?
In this 90-minute session we aim to unpack the roles of the HCT and the ICCG and how the strategic and operational pieces should fit together. We will explore how HCT-ICCG collaboration can impact the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian response, provide good practice examples of how it can be improved, and share field experience from Afghanistan.
Presenters are:
• Mark Bowden, Humanitarian Coordinator for Afghanistan
• Loretta Hieber-Girardet, Head of Inter-Cluster Coordination Section, OCHA
• Cyril Ferrand, Global Cluster Coordinator Food Security Cluster, FAO/WFP
• Panos Moumtzis, Director of the Senior Transformative Agenda Implementation Team (STAIT), as facilitator.