Social Assessment of the National Horticulture and Livestock Project (NHLP)

Publication language
Date published
07 Dec 2012
Research, reports and studies
Development & humanitarian aid, Livelihoods, Agriculture
Samuel Hall

In the perspective of the national roll-out of the Horticulture and Livestock Project (HLP) in support of the Afghan Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) efforts to improve agricultural production and productivity through the second pillar of its 2009 National Agriculture Development Framework (NADF), Samuel Hall has been commissioned to:

  • Develop provincial profiles for the 23 provinces targeted by the future National Horticulture and Livestock Project (NHLP) to enable the NHLP teams to develop local implementation strategies based on the provincial agricultural landscape, as well as on the diversity of their socio-economic contexts.
  • Conduct a Social Assessment of the future NHLP through the lens of the following entry points: (i) social diversity and gender, through the access of poor and vulnerable groups, including women, to the project, as well as the capabilities and opportunities that the NHLP could offer to these categories of people. (ii) stakeholders, including the beneficiaries as well as the various formal or informal groups or organizations that have an interest or a stake in the project, and that could affect or be affected by the project. (iii) Participation, through the examination of the opportunities and conditions for participation by the stakeholders, (iv) Social risks.
  • Provide recommendations to manage the social issues that may trigger the Social Safeguards Policies of the World Bank, as well as those that – even if out of the scope of the World Bank Social Safeguards Policies – are still essential to address in the NHLP social strategy to support the achievement of the national social development goals. These recommendations are meant to support the NHLP planners to design a program that (i) strengthens gender and social inclusion, (ii) empowers stakeholders by promoting local ownership of the project, (iii) minimizes the likely social risks.
  • Propose a social monitoring and evaluation framework for the NHLP.