SDC Strategy 2017-2020 - Global Programme Food Security

Publication language
Date published
27 Jun 2017
Plans, policy and strategy
Food and nutrition, Food security, Funding and donors

“To contribute to a world free of hunger and malnutrition in which smallholder rural and (peri-)urban farmers, women and men equally, produce healthy and nutritious food accessible to all while improving their income and safeguarding the environment.” This is the mission of the SDC's Global Programme Food Security (GPFS).

The Strategy of the GPFS for 2017–2020 builds on the previous strategic orientation in supporting the development and implementation of international regulatory and guiding frameworks and in promoting innovative scalable solutions to overcome food insecurity and malnutrition; addresses emerging issues related to climate change; rapid urbanization; the political economy of land and seeds; and the invasion of exotic plant species. The GPFS translates this Strategy into action in cooperation with public, private and civil society partners at global and regional levels and in-house, harnessing synergies between global programmes with bilateral and humanitarian cooperation.

Through the A&FS Network in particular, and in each project, the GPFS promotes and contributes to knowledge sharing and learning.