Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan 2015/2016: Regional Strategic Overview

Publication language
Date published
18 Dec 2014
Plans, policy and strategy
Coordination, Development & humanitarian aid, National & regional actors, Forced displacement and migration
Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Iraq

The Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) brings together the plans developed under the leadership of national authorities - namely, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Republic of Iraq, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Lebanese Republic, and the Republic of Turkey – to ensure protection, humanitarian assistance and strengthen resilience.

The 3RP integrates and is aligned with existing and emerging national plans, including the Jordan Response Plan 2015 to the Syria Crisis, the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan, the Iraq Strategic Response Plan (SRP), and country responses in Turkey and Egypt. Needs, targets, approaches, objectives and resources are identified, and responses implemented, at country level. The 3RP acknowledges the centrality of national ownership in securing a more effective and sustainable response to the crisis. All activities are designed in support of the priorities of governments with the response strategy adapted to the respective country context.