Refugee Livelihoods in Urban Areas: Identifying Program Opportunities

Publication language
Date published
01 Oct 2012
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Education, Forced displacement and migration, Livelihoods, Development & humanitarian aid, Urban
Tufts University


Despite a growing body of research about the livelihood problems of refugees in urban
areas in countries of first asylum, there is little evidence about which humanitarian
programs work, what livelihoods initiatives refugees undertake themselves, and where
opportunities for programming interventions lie. This study addresses this knowledge
gap by analyzing the urban livelihoods context, and identifying programming opportunities
and examples of promising program initiatives. The study’s key objective was
to support livelihoods programming for refugees by generating new ideas from related
fields of inquiry, such as low-income urban development and youth employment, and
adapting these ideas to make them relevant for refugees.
Our study began with a global desk review of livelihoods programming for refugees in
urban settings together with a review of low-income urban development programs that
could be relevant for refugees. We then conducted three case studies – in Cairo, Tel
Aviv and Quito, Ecuador – each representing a different refugee policy and livelihoods
context, and which together offer lessons for other host settings. Each case study begins
with a review of existing livelihood programs in the country. This includes a mapping of
commercial, humanitarian and governmental organizations that provide programming,
advocacy or other resources that support the livelihoods of refugees, migrants and
low-income citizens. We then interviewed asylum seekers and key informants to deepen
our understanding of the livelihoods context in each country.
Both the desk review and the case studies can be found at ?
Our global review and case studies generated many ideas, and in this document we
summarize the main program and advocacy approaches that show promise for supporting
the livelihoods of urban refugees. We begin with a discussion of advocacy, then
focus on programming.