Recovering from War - Gaps in early action

Chandran, R., Jones, B. and Smith, N.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jul 2008
Research, reports and studies
Accountability and Participation, Conflict, violence & peace, Post-conflict, Organisational

Our analysis identified three primary weaknesses in international performance in early recovery:
• A strategic gap – there was no evidence of strategy that encompassed political, security, development and humanitarian tools across bilateral and multi-lateral actors; and no framework for prioritization.
• A financing gap – instruments are neither flexible nor dynamic enough. Specifically:
- there is a gap in funding for standing capacity for strategic planning at country level

– there is a gap in funding for political implementation

– there is a gap in funding that is realistic, flexible, and responsive

– there is a gap in the ability to spend development money early.
• A series of capacity gaps – in leadership capacity; in implementation capacity; in sheer availability of civilian resources, and in a lack of training for purpose. To date, there has been no joint assessment of need, and bilateral efforts to are poorly coordinated.