Real time evaluation on the emergency drought situation response in Kenya, 2017

Hailey, P. and Balfour, N.
Date published
30 Mar 2018
Research, reports and studies
Assessment & Analysis, Drought

THE OBJECTIVES. Global Emergency Group (GEG) and Centre for Humanitarian Change (CHC) conducted a Real Time Evaluation of UNICEF’s drought response in Kenya with the overall purpose of strengthening both UNICEF’s current and future programming based on real-time feedback and learning. This evaluation focused primarily on WASH, Nutrition and Health in the drought affected counties of Garissa, Tana River, Marsabit, Mandera, Turkana, and Kilifi.

The RTE considered the extent to which the lessons learned were applied from the 2011 IASC RTE of the Humanitarian Response to the Horn of Africa Drought Crisis.1 More specifically, the evaluation focused on the following OECD-DAC criteria for evaluation:

Criteria 1 – Relevance/Appropriateness of the response and accountability to affected communities;

Criteria 2 - Timeliness of action;

Criteria 3 - Sustainability/Connectedness of the response to the development agenda.