Rapid IDP Protection Needs Assessment: Sirte Displacement - West Libya

Publication language
Date published
01 May 2016
Research, reports and studies
Conflict, violence & peace, Needs assessment, Forced displacement and migration, Internal Displacement

In 2016, continued political instability and ongoing armed conflict in Libya has led to deteriorating living conditions and reduced access to essential services for a significant part of the country. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) remain one of the most vulnerable population groups as they seek out temporary shelter and scarce livelihood opportunities in urban centres, many without access to basic services.

Since the Islamic State seized control of Sirte more than two thirds of Sirte’s 80,000 residents have fled, many seeking refuge in the nearby coastal town of Misrata. However, according to Human Rights Watch, officials in Misrata lack the necessary resources to respond to the displaced population’s needs.2 In April/May 2016, fresh clashes in Sirte triggered a new wave of displacement, forcing thousands more residents to flee. As of 11th May 2016, IOM recorded the displacement of up to 5,560 households that have left Sirte and arrived to Al Khums, Bani Walid, Tarhouna, Tripoli, and cities nearby. The Libya Inter-Sector Coordination Group is prioritizing the response to Sirte IDPs while delivery of assistance has commenced to the most vulnerable groups in the most affected areas.

Following the recent displacement of IDPs to the West of Sirte, REACH conducted a rapid IDP protection needs assessment on behalf of UNHCR in order to identify the main needs and priorities of IDPs in key locations. The assessment was conducted by trained data collectors operating through networks of Local Crisis Committees and CSOs on the ground in Tripoli, Misrata and Al Khoms to interview People with Knowledge about the evolving IDP situation. Assessed locations were selected based on IOM’s DTM population data linked to this recent wave of displacement.