Protecting and Improving Nutrition and Food Security for People Living with HIV and AIDS

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2012
Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Kenya
Research, reports and studies
Food and nutrition, Health, Livelihoods, Poverty


Total War against AIDS (TOWA) project commenced in 2003 when
his Excellency the President declared total war against HIV and AIDS
at community level. The broad development objective of the TOWA
project is to assist Kenya to expand the coverage of targeted HIV and
AIDS prevention and mitigation interventions through:
i. Sustaining the improved institutional performance of the
National AIDS Control Council (NACC)
ii. Supporting the implementation of the Kenya National AIDS
Strategic Plan (KNASP)
The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) is part of the national multisectoral
response to HIV and AIDS spearheaded by NACC. The
objective of the MOA TOWA project is to scale up interventions
geared towards prevention of HIV and AIDS, treatment, care and
support and mitigation of socio-economic impacts of HIV and AIDS.
Food and nutrition security remains a major challenge for close to
half of the Kenyan population. HIV/AIDS aggravates food insecurity
situation increasing the vulnerability of HIV- affected households.
Therefore appropriate food and nutrition technologies are necessary
in mitigating the impact of HIV and AIDS.
MOA successfully implemented TOWA phase I project in 2010/2011
in Rift valley, Nairobi and Eastern Provinces. Interventions put in
place were home and multistorey gardens with the aim of improving
access to micronutrient foods to the target groups.
MOA was awarded additional funding in 2011/12 for phase II to
implement activities that improves food and nutrition security of
people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) and affected households.
Implementation of activities commenced in May 2011 with a planning
workshop while field activities started in July 2011.