Project cycle management in emergencies and humanitarian crises handbook

Date published
01 Jan 2018
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Research methodology
Terre Des Hommes

This handbook aim at:

• Ensuring that Tdh’s policies, principles and approaches are upheld during project cycle management in emergencies and humanitarian crises.

• Providing a consistent approach and harmonised tools for all stages of the project cycle.

• Providing common references and a structured framework to facilitate informed steering, decision-making and corrective measures.

• Enabling a focus on results-based management to emphasize performance and results (outputs, outcomes and impact) rather than activities alone.

• Proposing a flexible methodology that is a means rather than an end in itself. This is of the utmost importance because, in an emergency, project cycle phases may overlap and separate as the situation evolves and even normalises.

• Encouraging project designers to embed crosscutting issues such as linking relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD), gender, and ethnical, religious, diversity aspects, at all stages of the project cycle.