Programme Policy and Procedure Manual: Programme Operations (Revised February 2007)

Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2007
Plans, policy and strategy

The Programme Policy and Procedure Manual (PPPM) was first issued in January 2000, replacing the former “Book D”. It reflected UNICEF’s organisational transition to an approach to programming cooperation for children and women based explicitly on human rights principles. Subsequent annual updates since 2002 have emphasised UNICEF’s contribution to the millennium agenda as outlined in the Focus Areas of the UNICEF Medium Term Strategic Plan (MTSP); strengthened interagency coordination through the CCA/UNDAF process; stronger and more effective partnerships for results; mainstreamed emergency preparedness and response as a part of UNICEF’s regular work; highlighted good contribution management and donor reporting; strengthened the emphasis on results based programme planning and management; and incorporated changes to the programme preparation process resulting from the ongoing simplification and harmonisation of UN policies and procedures, including guidance on joint programming, joint programmes and the Harmonised Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT). These updates also added additional guidance for the promotion of participation of children and young people, on gender mainstreaming and piloting, and UNICEF’s role in generating knowledge and good practices.