Piloting Harmonized Donor Reporting: A Guide to Participation

Publication language
Date published
14 Jun 2017
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Funding and donors, System-wide performance
Somalia, Myanmar, Iraq

Participation in the harmonized reporting pilot project is a way to demonstrate that organizations are taking practical steps to fulfill the commitments made as part the Grand Bargain on Humanitarian Aid.

What are we piloting?

  • The group of donors, partners, and UN agencies that met in Berlin on 24 March affirmed the primary pilot objectives:
  1. Examine the effectiveness of a common donor reporting framework to:
  2. Meet the common narrative reporting needs of humanitarian donors
  • Reduce the burden of donor reporting for partners in the field

The pilot will test the “8+3 Template” proposed by GPPi as the framework for harmonized reporting. Final feedback on the specific template elements to include in the pilot is still being accepted.

Where and when will we pilot?

  • We have agreed on initial pilot locations: Myanmar, Somalia, Iraq.
  • Presence or ability to pilot in all locations is not required to join the pilot.
  • The pilot period is two years, to begin in June 2017, with interim feedback presented during implementation, and a final report completed in mid-2019. The reports included within the evaluation of the pilot will be any reports submitted between 1 August 2017 and 30 April 2019.