Pakistan Flood Response 2007: Review of the Shelter Working Group

Publication language
Date published
30 Dec 2007
Programme/project reviews
Coordination, Cluster coordination, Disasters, Floods & landslides, Shelter and housing, Shelter

The response of the humanitarian community to the Pakistan floods of June 2007 has been a very mixed affair, characterised by poor availability of funding, restricted access to affected areas and limited will from government counterparts to coordinate with the cluster system. Given these significant external constraints, it has proved difficult to judge the performance of the Emergency Shelter Working Group (ESWG) independently from the shortcomings of the wider cluster system used to respond to the Pakistan Floods.
Nonetheless, this review, undertaken at the three month mark after the floods, has sought to identify those issues that require improvement and has produced ten key recommendations for IFRC in its future role as ‘convener of the ESWG’, which are listed below. Other recommendations are contained within the body of the review report to follow.