OCHA Meta-evaluation

Paul, J., Robert, P.and Engelhardt, A.
Publication language
Date published
21 Jul 2009
Evaluation reports
Development & humanitarian aid

To enhance the organizational effectiveness and efficiency of OCHA through improved
follow up and use of evaluation findings and recommendations.

To identify recurrent findings, conclusions and recommendations and to assess the quality of management practice for follow-up to evaluations.

The meta-evaluation will consider relevant evaluations, reviews, and other existing reports and material produced after 2006. A preliminary reading list is attached as an annex. The documents reviewed could also include OIOS evaluation and inspection reports, evaluations commissioned by OCHA, inter-agency evaluations, lessons learnt reviews, and other reviews. The evaluation team will develop a set of criteria for what types of evaluations will be included and excluded from the reading list.

The evaluation will primarily be concerned with aggregating the findings of evaluations. The
evaluation will also assess the quality of the management response system in use to determine whether they conform to best practice.

The study will consider and aggregate recommendations addressed to OCHA, and also
recommendations addressed to the humanitarian community. However the majority of analysis will focus on recommendations directed at OCHA with the purpose of improving OCHA’s future performance.