Note d'Information Provisoire - Prise en Compte des Aspects Psychosociaux et de Santé Mentale de l'Épidémie de Covid-19
Publication language
French Pages
16 Date published
17 Mar 2020 Type
Tools, guidelines and methodologies Keywords
Epidemics & pandemics, Health, Psychosocial support Countries
Global Use in Humanitarian Programme Cycle
Needs assessment & analysis; Strategic response planning Organisations
Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC)An interim briefing note (developed by the IASC’s Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) that summarises key mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) considerations in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak and suggests a broad set of interventions on how to respond to these issues, including supporting older adults, tailored support for people with a disability, specific messaging for children, and broad social messaging.