Nabaa neighbourhood profile, Bourj Hammoud, Beirut

Harake, D., Kuwalti, R., Saad, A., Abou Chawareb, R., Lababidi, N. and Maguire, S.
Date published
01 Mar 2017
Research, reports and studies
Livelihoods, Poverty, Urban
UN Habitat

The selection process of Nabaa was jointly conducted by local authorities, (I)NGOS active in the neighbourhood, local community representatives, and UN-Habitat Lebanon. The aim was to select a vulnerable urban neighbourhood with poor socio-economic status, sharing stresses on basic urban services. The boundary verification was carried out through a participatory approach using community-based knowledge, (I)NGOs and municipal expertise. The Nabaa neighbourhood is strategically located near the eastern gate of the centre of Beirut at an important cluster of principal roads connecting with major hubs and regions. Nabaa is a planned neighbourhood that is well structured. It is a poor residential area characterised by deteriorated infrastructure and inadequate access to basic urban services offering poor living conditions for its residents. Combined with the limited capacity of the local authorities and service providers, (I) NGOs are particularly active in the area, but sometimes lack coordination between one another. This neighbourhood also includes small shops and workshops that constitute part of its economic base. Many residents work in the service industry in other areas of Beirut. The number of small businesses has increased in the recent years, however most do not survive for more than five years. A complex socio-cultural environment, reported high unemployment and school drop-out rates, as well as limited law enforcement pose a threat to safety, with street fights, weapon possession and discrimination reported by key informants and community members. Improving gender equality, enhancing environmental safety for children and empowering youth can help foster a stabilised community. Addressing building conditions and basic urban services management, guided by identified gaps and challenges, has the potential to reinforce social stability by improving livelihood opportunities, the neighbourhood’s accessibility, a more secure environment and better quality of life.