Monitoring & Evaluation of the Swiss Water & Sanitation NGO Consortium (SDC-GPWI) - South Asia Mission Report

Publication language
Date published
10 Oct 2013
Thematic evaluation
Capacity development, Water, sanitation and hygiene
Bangladesh, Nepal

Skat Consulting Ltd has been contracted by SDC to undertake a rapid evaluation of the Consortium at regional and international levels to judge its effectiveness as (1) an efficient mechanism for disbursing SDC funds to meet Swiss policy objectives; (2) a means to create ‘added value’ that strengthens the voice and organisational capacity of the Swiss NGO partners and increases the effectiveness and sustainability of their water interventions. Further areas for improvement will be identified for inclusion in any continuation of the Consortium beyond 2013. The evaluation was undertaken primarily through semi-structured interviews in Switzerland and in the three regions: West Africa, East Africa and South Asia. The Swiss Water & Sanitation NGO Consortium is a programme jointly developed by 8 Swiss NGOs (Fastenopfer, Solidar Suisse, Swissaid, Terre des hommes foundation, Swiss Red Cross, HEKS, Caritas Switzerland and HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation) within the framework of the 0.5% Message approved by the Swiss Parliament in February 2011. The programme aims at improving the living conditions of populations in rural areas in countries lagging far behind the MDG target for water and sanitation. The Consortium programme was launched in August 2011 for a period until end of 2013 and a total budget of CHF 19.1 million. In 16 countries, the Consortium implements 27 projects having been designed as extensions or scaling-up initiatives of on-going projects.