Mine Action in Afghanistan: A Success Story in Danger

Publication language
Date published
31 Dec 2014
Thematic evaluation
Capacity development, Conflict, violence & peace, Humanitarian-development-peace nexus, Protection
Samuel Hall

Mine action in Afghanistan is at a crossroads. Even though UNMAS is considered one of the most successful UN agencies in the country, its success story is at risk. As this report shows, the combined efforts of the United Nations, international donors and local stakeholders have enabled impressive achievements in a variety of fields. Nevertheless, the upcoming transition raises a number of questions, namely on funding and national ownership, that will impact the future of demining efforts in the country and determine whether the country will be able to achieve the obligations laid down by the international treaties it has signed.

In this regard, and at a time of political transition, the present evaluation aims at shedding light on the key strengths and weaknesses of this organisation in order to support UNMAS in its effort to negotiate the current evolutions to which it has to adjust. The evaluation is framed against the relevant strategies established by the organisation: UN Mine Action Strategies 2006-2010 (extended to 2012) and 2013-2018, as well as the MAPA Mine Action Strategy 2008-2013. Looking back, the evaluation aims at analysing the various changes introduced since 2008 and assessing their impact on the MAPA and its ability to meet its objectives; looking forward, it analyses the ability of the current structure to keep working efficiently while absorbing the various shocks likely to accompany the transition and suggest which adjustments could help guarantee the sustainability of the MAPA until completion of its mission.