Mid-Term Evaluation of the Ethiopia Country Programme 10430.0 (2007-2011)

Barry Riley, B., Ferguson, A., Ashine, S., Torres, C. and Asnake, S.
Publication language
Date published
01 Sep 2009
Evaluation reports
Education, Food and nutrition, Livelihoods

One of the objectives of the evaluation of CP 10430.0 is accountability to
the stakeholders in terms of tallying and reporting on the work that has been carried out and the results achieved, using the planned objectives and targets as the benchmark against which to assess performance. The accountability to the donors, in terms of reporting on the results of their investments, is also an important element.

The other objective of the evaluation is to draw lessons from the experience gained from the implementation of this CP; indeed, MERETPLUS type activities have been supported by WFP for many years, as has school feeding. It is opportune to use this evaluation to guide WFP’s
interventions for the remaining period of this CP and, eventually, to feed into the design stage of the successor CP. A mid-term evaluation of the preceding CP was conducted in May – June 2005 and its findings were used in the design of the current CP.