MDRMZ011 Mozambique Floods Final Evaluation Report

Okeyo, B.
Publication language
Date published
04 Mar 2016
Thematic evaluation
Capacity development, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Floods & landslides, Health, Recovery and Resillience, Shelter and housing, Water, sanitation and hygiene

The heavy rainfall across central and northern Mozambique resulted in an unprecedented rise in the water levels of the Zambezi and Licungo Rivers. Floods developed extremely fast. On 12 January 2015, the Council of Ministers declared an institutional red alert. According to the National Institute of Disaster Management (INGC) 373,026 people were affected in Zambézia, Nampula, Niassa, Cabo Delgado and Manica provinces. 14,361 houses were partially damaged, while 21,780 were completely destroyed. Furthermore, the floods caused extensive damage to public buildings and infrastructure, loss of crops and livestock.
The Mozambique Red Cross (Cruz Vermelha Mozambique - CVM) conducted detailed damage and needs assessments in the affected provinces. The targeted districts in Zambézia were Mopeia (15,670 people affected), Namacurra, (3,121 people affected), Mocuba (8,255 people affected) and Maganja da Costa (20,477 people affected), while in Nampula the districts were Mussoril (42,645 people affected) and Meconta (21,725 people affected). Based on these assessments and on its own delivery capabilities, CVM concentrated its efforts to support 17,620 displaced people (3,524 households) in Zambézia and Nampula provinces.