Marsabit County drought early warning bulletin for September 2017

Date published
30 Sep 2017
Research, reports and studies
Assessment & Analysis, Children & youth, Drought, Nutrition

Biophysical Indicators

Rainfall: Most parts of the County didn’t receive rainfall in September.
However, off-season rains were experienced in the Northern parts of North Horr sub-county and few parts of Laisamis and Moyale.

Vegetation condition: Vegetation condition index remained in the moderate vegetation deficit strap for three successive months where 3-month VCI recorded was 31.45. Forage condition is poor across the livelihood zones but fair in areas that received off-season rains.

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators: Livestock body condition deteriorated and was fair-poor for the livestock species. Ranges from poor, fair-poor and fair for cattle, shoats and camel respectively. Milk production per household per day nosedived to 0.75Litres and fell outside the normal range.
Livestock mortalities were reported in Saku and Moyale sub-counties due to drought and few cases were reported in North Horr as a result of bloody diarrhoea and anthrax in sheep. No livestock disease outbreak reported across the County.

Access indicators: Household and livestock trekking distances increased across the livelihood zones. Terms of trade was non-propitious across the livelihood zones. Milk consumption plummeted to 0.3Litres per household. High market prices for cereals and low livestock prices were noted.

Utilization indicators: Nutritional status of children below the age of five years deteriorated to 22.3 which is outside the normal range of 19percent. Food consumption score dipped but still falls within the borderline band. Coping strategy index increased hence households were adopted more severe irreversible coping mechanisms