Management Response to the Annual Evaluation Report 2014

Publication language
Date published
01 May 2015
Evaluation reports
Evaluation-related, Food and nutrition, Innovation

The WFP Office of Evaluation’s 2014 Annual Evaluation Report is presented in two parts: Part 1 provides key messages and makes strategic recommendations for WFP senior management arising from the synthesis of its evaluations completed during the year. In 2014, OEV’s evaluations covered a wide range of WFP’s work including: 3 country portfolio evaluations (DRC, Indonesia, Uganda); the synthesis of 12 single operations evaluations; two strategic evaluations covering WFP’s role in the international humanitarian system (WFP’s use of pooled funds and an evaluation of the Global Food Security Cluster conducted jointly with FAO. Two further evaluations assessed the major areas of innovation in WFP’s approach, closely associated with its shift from food aid to food assistance, including: the final evaluation of WFP’s pilot initiative to link smallholder farmers to agricultural markets Purchase for Progress; and, an evaluation of its Cash and Vouchers Policy. Part 2 reports on OEV’s performance against its workplan and progress in strengthening the evaluation function in WFP and internationally, following the 2014 United Nations Evaluation Group/Development Assistance Committee Evaluation Peer Review.