Mainstreaming GBV

GBV Working group
Publication language
Research, reports and studies
Disasters, Drought, Food and nutrition, Food security, Gender, Protection, human rights & security


Gender Based Violence is a cross-cutting issue and therefore should be integrated into
all aspects of emergency humanitarian response. All humanitarian actors share a
responsibility to ensure that their activities do not lead to or perpetuate discrimination,
abuse, violence, neglect or exploitation. All sector activities should promote and respect
human rights and enhance the protection of women, girls, men and boys.
The factors that contribut e to Gender Based Violence in Somalia are complex and varied. The protective
environment, which is already fragile in South and Central Somalia, is only expected to deteriorate under the current
circumstances. The GBV Working group, with support from the Protection cluster and IASC GenCap adviser has
developed this checklist to ensure the mainstreaming of GBV into the work of clusters. Below are cluster specific
actions to ensure the mainstreaming of GBV.