Linking preparedness, response and resilience project

Dunlop, K. and Ellina, M.
Date published
30 Jun 2018
Impact evaluation
Capacity development, Recovery and Resillience
Bangladesh, Colombia, DRC, Indonesia, Kenya, Pakistan, Philippines, Honduras

The Linking Preparedness, Response and Resilience (LPRR) project, which is part of the DFID funded Disasters Emergencies Preparedness Programme (DEPP) was carried out from 2015 to the end of March 2018. The project was delivered by a consortium led by Christian Aid, which included Action Aid, Concern, Help Age, King’s College London, Muslim Aid, Oxfam, Safer World, and World Vision. The LPRR project brings together the expertise of response and resilience professionals (and frameworks) in order to support communities affected by emergencies and at the risk of violence. The consortium was present through a research component in eight countries, namely Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Philippines, Colombia, Indonesia, with pilot projects in Kenya, Pakistan and Myanmar. The project was delivered through three distinct strands: conflict prevention, humanitarian response, and learning. This end of project evaluation aims to measure change according to the project’s outcome (as per its logframe), which is: “increased preparedness and resilience capacity in conflict and response settings”.