Lessons learned from 2017 multipurpose cash pilot project in Cameroon

6 pp
Date published
27 Feb 2018
Lessons papers
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Forced displacement and migration, Non-food

In 2017, with the support from the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), WFP and partners piloted, for the very first time in Cameroon, a multipurpose cash project to address both food and non-food needs of displaced populations in the Far North region, particularly in logone and Chari Division. This allowed greater flexibility in meeting beneficiary needs in terms  of health, food, hygiène and sanitation, while promoting livelihood opportunities.

The main objective of the multipurpose cash project was to assist the most vulnerable categories of IDPs, prevent vulnerable families from resorting to negative coping strategies and ensure the immediate response to cover the basic needs of IDPs lefts without the means to maintain their livelihoods. The pilot targeted the newly displaced population in the Logone and Chari, living in difficult area to be reach due to insecurity, who had not received any assistance before. Division registered the highest concentration of new IDPs in critical need of humanitarian assistance.