La prise en compte des enjeux environnementaux : étude de cas HI

Brangeon, S.
Publication language
Date published
25 Feb 2019
Research, reports and studies
Development & humanitarian aid, Environment & climate, humanitarian action
Groupe URD

Groupe URD, supported by the Humanitarian Environment Network, carried out a study on the actions of the international organisation Humanity & Inclusion (HI) on environmental issues. Despite the environmental and climate emergency that particularly affects countries of humanitarian intervention, the consideration of these issues in the very practices and policies of international solidarity organisations is still quite low. For its part, the Humanity & Inclusion (HI) organisation has been carrying out actions to reduce its environmental footprint both in Europe and in the field for some years now, in parallel with an internal restructuring process. This report also provides food for thought for organisations wishing to initiate or improve an environmental approach.