Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of IYCF and WASH Practices among Jere and Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC), Borno state, Nigeria

Publication language
Date published
01 Feb 2017
Research, reports and studies
Conflict, violence & peace, Food and nutrition, Nutrition, Water, sanitation and hygiene
International Medical Corps (IMC)

14.8 million People are affected by the crisis in the north-east of Nigeria precipitated by Boko Haram-related violence since 2009. The armed conflict has affected civilians already living in precarious conditions and undermined poverty reduction and development efforts, putting at risk inter-ethnic and inter-religious co-existence, strained State Government resources and depleted community coping capacities over the past six years.

The goal of the study is to evaluate how earlier interventions contributed to the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices and the influence this has had on behavior change of the communities regarding appropriate nutrition and WASH practices in Jere and MMC. In addition the study findings will act as a baseline and recommendations will aid in designing, planning and implementation of the future nutrition interventions.