Kenya: An Evaluation of WFP's Portfolio (2006-2010)

Bagnall-Oakeley, H., Hoogendoorn, A.-M., Philpott, J. and Rubanda, G.
Publication language
Date published
01 Sep 2011
Evaluation reports
Education, Food and nutrition, Food aid, Poverty

This report presents the findings of the Country Portfolio Evaluation (CPE) of WFP in Kenya between 2006 and 2010. Its objectives were to: i) assess the performance and results of WFP?s portfolio (accountability); and ii) support learning by generating evidence - based analysis and insights on the way the portfolio and its operations were planned and managed. 2. The evaluation focuses on three key issues: 1) strategic alignment of the WFP
portfolio; 2) making strategic choices; and 3) performance and results of the WFP portfolio. The evaluation was timed so that its findings can be used by the Country Office (CO) for formulation of its Country Strategy Document (CSD) and the UNDAF review. 3. The evaluation was conducted by a team of four independent consultants with expertise in food security, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, school feeding and agriculture. The field work took place in March 2011.