Integrated Emergency Response Project II for Yemen 2011/2012

Publication language
Date published
18 Feb 2012
Thematic evaluation
Coordination, Forced displacement and migration, Health, Protection, Recovery and Resillience, Water, sanitation and hygiene

Phase II of the Integrated Emergency Response Project II (IERP II) for Yemen is a one year emergency assistance and recovery project funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). The project is implemented by a consortium of five INGOs: ADRA, CARE International Yemen, Islamic Relief Yemen (IRY), OXFAM GB Yemen, and Save the Children Yemen (SCY). CARE is the contract holder through CARE UK. It targets the five northern governorates of Sanaa, Amran, Al Jawf, Hajjah and Sa’ada with activities focusing on the five sectors of health, water and sanitation (WASH), protection, education, and early recovery (ER). The overall goal of the IERP II is to utilize an integrated and consolidated consortium approach to contribute to the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan by a) providing life-saving, time-critical and early recovery assistance to communities affected by the complex humanitarian crisis in the northern governorates of Yemen, and b) contributing to the enhancement of local capacities for preparedness and resilience.