Integrated Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Host Communities - Jordan: Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Protection

Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2013
Research, reports and studies
Food and nutrition, Food security, Livelihoods, Needs assessment, Forced displacement and migration, Host Communities, Water, sanitation and hygiene
Jordan, Syria

 In order to ascertain the most critical needs of Syrian refugees living outside the camps and the communities hosting them, Oxfam GB implemented an integrated WASH-EFSL assessment from late February to mid-March 2013. The assessment methodology comprised:

  • Desk review and analysis of existing assessments, situation reports and other relevant documentation developed by other agencies operating in Jordan (see Annex 1 for list of main documents referenced)
  • One-to-one meetings with various agencies (including UNHCR, IFRC, IRD, Medair, WFP, Caritas, Care, UNICEF, WHO, Ministry of Health, ACTED, Relief International (RI), and Yarmouk Water Company) and attendance of sector coordination meetings (cash, food, WASH, protection, health)
  • Focus group discussions (FGD) and household visits in six governorates: Ajloun, Amman, Balqa, Irbid, Mafraq, Zarqa
  • Household KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices) survey, with additional questions covering food consumption, income and expenditure in five governorates (Ajloun, Balqa, Irbid, Jerash and Mafraq) in coordination with RI and ACTED.

This survey is still ongoing at the time of writing this report and as such it is not yet possible to include these results in the assessment analysis and findings.